Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Lady Consumptia

I've now had this cough for 5 weeks and it is getting worse. I've done a course of antibiotics, used a humidifier, enjoyed the pleasures of a Neti pot, and taken liberal OTC medicines (as well as codeine), all to no avail. So, today I went to get chest X-rays. When the technician looks at the proof after he's taken your Xray, winces and says 'Ooog'...

They won't get to my doctor for a day or two. I am really unhappy. I can't laugh, sing, talk for more than a few seconds, my tongue is blistered from all the cough drops and the amount of sugar from so many of them is making me nauseous, and I can't sleep.

It wasn't this bad a couple days ago - in fact, I had thin, bleary hope that I was getting better. Then things just plummeted.

This sucks. I've started hating life.