I was on jury selection for three bloody days, so I had a lot of time on my hands. I realized that my Google Drive app had stored all my Buzz posts, so I went back and re-read them.
Let me tell you something: I cannot even measure how much better LARP is out of the Cam and out of Therapy now that I'm doing Dreams.
I lost count of all the angry, frustrated, helpless posts I made. I cannot believe I stayed so long in groups that allowed bullies, assholes and creepsters to play, even after the vast majority of people continually complained about them. I posted, way back, something along the lines of 'Yes, I'd rather have a benevolent dictatorship than a terrible democracy'. At the time, I was referring to the fact that I'd prefer two of the Big Gamers, Jake and Lana, to have control of the Domain (because they made it awesome and worked their butts off) than to have 'plebians' control it en masse and not do a lick of work and tie everything up in red tape. It now applies beautifully to Dreams.
The games now are wonderful. They're cooperative. They're fun. They're full of drama and/or wackiness, and people care about other folks' characters' stories. We had one dude who was continually PvPing for no reason whatsoever, constantly disrupting scenes, trying to steal all the plot for himself and creeping on the female players. We talked to him OOC. We offered to help him make a character that wouldn't always be an asshole. We asked all the players to air their grievances against him - right out in the open, on the SAME NIGHT it happened. We gave him several games to change. We did all of that, and when nothing changed, we told him this was not the right group for him and he left. It was such a reversal of everything I'd experienced, I nearly broke down into tears when I realized I never again would have to tolerate that sort of crap in a game I played in.
People in Dreams are honest about ST input, and often give very solid criticism, which our ST accepts and thanks them for. Our ST never puts his 'vision' of game before the PCs' stories. We all want the other characters to get Extra Special Cool Stuff, because we don't have to worry it'll be used to kill our PCs, and can actually help us, since we're all in it together. Not everyone is in love with everyone OOC, but we're all responsible players and can still get together and have a good game.
And it will stay this way, because I and the other staff/STs are committed to ensuring it does, and we have to power to back that commitment. The group is not for everyone. It's way low on mechanics, it often spits in the face of canon for the sake of story, and it has zero PvP. But for those people who want this kind of experience, we can guarantee giving it to them.
I've had this for iLARPs (man, did I have it - so good), but I was skeptical it could ever be achieved in a regular game. I am very happy my doubts weren't proved true.
I had some wonderful times in the Cam and Therapy; I really did. And without them, I'd never have the chops to run my own troupe, not in a million years. There were people in both that I thought ran/played in the games superbly. There were some incredibly good game nights. But there were also horrible moments, when there shouldn't have been. Not in a LARP group. It could have been all good and no bad - I know this now because I'm experiencing it.
And we're just getting started, so there's so much more to try.
Dreams, I ruv you.
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